SF-1A CNC 单点绕线弹簧机
Reviewed all mechanisms; Feed axis, each slide, adjustment mechanisms and so on, and achieved high resolution of 1/1000mm for each operation.
With feed rolls of 16mm in diameter and ultimate short wire guides of 6mm in length, products with ultra fine wire of 20μm or less in diameter and also tight D/d index coiling can be formed stably.
With Initial tension axis as option, initial tension force can be controlled.
Fitting mechanism is standard that wire guides are fit based on feed roll position.
Moving fitting position of newly designed arbor and pitch tool unit makes an adjustment of arbor position for wire guide.
Unchanging columns on program screen for all axis enables to grasp program flow and each axis status by left-right scrolling.
Necessary data entered in the high precision auto program are converted to form desired spring parts such as standard cylindrical spring and conical spring.
For easy-to-operate, Programs for Gaging, Coil end control, Input/Output, Counter and so on are set up on purpose-built screen separating from Main Program.
超精确的传感器搭载,搭载了新的MSD SENSOR,通过接触式传感器和伺服电机的定位功能,可测量任意的长度。最小测量1μm线材产品,并且其图形显示的测量结果,适用于生产管理于品质保证。
New gaging device, MSD SENSOR that measures free length using contact type sensor and positioning function of the servomotor, is equipped as standard. It enables to measure 1/1000mm for fine wire products, and its measurements displayed graphically can be applied for production management.
Big updated of advanced program edit has been realized. With the new navigation system, Programing has become even more easier.
You can check machine operation by smart phone and PC. Periodic maintenance for preventive maintenance contributes to increased production efficiency.